Saturday, March 10, 2007

Professional Competion

Patrick Desilets

His website is down so I used one of his online portfolios. Strenght: really good flash animation, and traditional animation. Weakness: Reel is too long and some really distracting pieces in it. Opertunity: to gear my reel with more 2D and timing direction. Threats: He's a bit superior to me in most fields.

Jeff Clark

He does several different styles of animation and graphic design. Strenght: Really good graphic design. Weakness: very poor animation skills. Opertunity: to showcase my superior animation ablities. Threat: His strong sense of graphic design.

Ryan Green

His website is down, but he's co-founder of Bluefoot Studios. Strengths: Strong use of flash and characterzation. Weakness: flat aniation. Opertunity: to make more fully rounded characters. Threat: his very good sense of characterzation.

Pablo Navarro
*none found*

I couldn't find his website, but this guy is at the level I want to be. Strength: awsome character animator. Weakness: I can't find any obvious ones. Opertunity: To start paying close attention to him. Threats: pretty much all threat.

Mike Lapalme

He says he's a broadcast designer. Strength: Strong graphic design. Weakness: No traditional animation. Opertunity: To be more inclusive of graphic elements. Threat: His strong graphic design sense and ablity to used mixed media well.

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